The last couple of weeks on the landlord and BTL blog has been full of chatter on a whole range of topics concerning todays landlords.
Buy-to-let worth the hassle?
There has been some debate about whether buy-to-let is now worth the hassle. Margo is having problem with her plumbing is not convinced where as Hawkeye thinks that landlords should “keep their powder dry”. You decide.
Landlords should record their losses as well as profits.
Hawkeye reminds landlords that they should always register their tax losses as well as their gains. This is because landlords can set off these losses against any rental profits made in subsequent years. Hawkeye has £20,000 of losses he is bringing forward so it doesn’t look as if he’s going to be paying any tax on his rental business for a few years.
Landlords need to be careful about how they prepare their records
Confucious warns landlords that the new Finance Act 2008 gives the HMRC greater powers to take action if they do not believe landlords have taken reasonable care the preparation of any records submitted to them including their tax return. Check out this entry to make sure that you don’t end up on the wrong side of the TAXMAN.
Two thirds of landlords avoid the TDS
I draw landlord’s attention to the fact that the latest research by the Deposit Protection Service shows that two thirds of landlords that are taking rental deposits from their tenants are failing to use one of the approved schemes. I outline what this means for landlords.
How landlords can survive the credit crunch
Our newest blogger The Home Place set out what steps landlords can employ to survive the credit crunch. Things are getting tough for landlords and they clearly need all the tricks in the book to survive.
Buying commercial property shares
Our own property share tipping expert the Income Monkey argues that the share market is close to capitulation. This is the time to buy. He tips one property share that could just be set to soar once confidence in the share market returns. I’ve been buying so I hope he is right.
Should I join a landlord association?
Margo explores what is going on between the two national landlord associations the NFRL and NLA in terms of their on off merger talks. She also explains her views on belonging to an organisation.
Life isn’t all doom and gloom being a landlord. Look here for a picture of a typical landlord as drawn by a tenant. Landlords are used to having strange things left behind by their tenants but I bet you can’t beat this.
Finally Rigsby has come up with an ingenious solution to the requirements of the council for him to have a sprinkler system installed in his student rental property. Landlords who furnish their properties should read this.
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- [+] July (3)
- [+] June (11)
- Beware Of Property Gurus
- Becoming a student landlord
- Should I invest in a buy-to-let pension?
- Valuing a landlord's property
- Flippin property investments!
- Can Landlords Stop Tenants Smoking in a Rental Property?
- Property investment strategies
- Successful residential property investment
- Landlord Education PT 1
- Landlord property - PT 2 - landlord courses
- Ten Ways To Save Landlord Tax
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- [+] September (7)
- [+] August (7)
- [+] July (12)
- Surviving the 'crunch'
- Tenants as cashcows
- BTL Mortgage Update
- Letting to Students?
- Top Auction Opportunities
- Property Auction Guidance
- Eliminating Void Periods
- The Property Rebound
- Inflation - A Landlords' Saviour
- BTL mortgages - landlord's options
- ARLA mis-selling or mis-leading?
- [+] June (7)
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