Gas Safety Register
Gas safety changes for landlords.
Landlords letting property with any gas appliances should be aware of the new regulatory regime that came into force from the 1st of April.
The old system was regulated by CORGI.
The new system operated by the out sourcing company Capita is called the Gas Safe Register.
For details of how the system is changing have a look at our recent blog post and videos.
The essential thing for landlords is that now:
1. Only “Gas Safe Register” plumbers will now be able to carry out gas safety checks for landlords, however if you have a certificate before this date it is still valid until it expires.
2. The contractor will have a gas safety register card. On the reverse of this it will say what s/he is allowed to carry out. The license can be checked on the website. There will also be a photo on the card.
Read more in depth information on gas safety in your rental property, or the key points are as followed
1) The landlord must provide a copy of the gas safety record to existing tenants within 28 days of the check being carried out.
2) All new tenants must be given a copy of the gas safety record before they move in.
3) The landlord must make sure that the engineer has fully completed the record.
4) Landlords must keep the gas safety records available for inspection for a period of two years.
5) A stability bracket should be fitted to all cookers to prevent the cooker from tipping forward.
6) All gas should be appliances properly “maintained” Landlords and occupants
7) New items should be checked within 12 months of being installed but do not need a certificate upon installation
If you still have questions about the new regime, have a look at a list of the FAQs
Any doubts can be checked by a landlord calling 0800 408 5500.
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