Landlord appliance cover
I’ve been hit recently by a range of maintenance issues on my buy-to-let portfolio, including a number of appliance breakdowns. I must admit to wondering whether there’s anyway to lessen my maintenance tedium.
New product insures against un-timely appliance failures
A new product launched by a company called Landlord Appliance Protection; an online insurer, aims to provide cover for a whole range of appliances including: ovens, fridge freezers, microwaves and dishwashers.
The cover applies to units up to a maximum of 8 years old. Paid for monthly by direct debit, the cover starts from as little as £7.15 per month and provides landlords with a new for old replacement, with no ‘call out fee’.
Tenants are also free to use the cover, which could help cut down the workload for those landlords out there who don’t want to be sorting our repairs or heading off to Currys after their day at work. The cover carries no policy excess; something which can often make insurance based cover meaningless, it also provides a national reach. Both mechanical and electrical breakdown is included.
Is this product for me?
This product clearly isn’t going to be for all landlords. However, for those landlords who are hard pressed with time, or those with tight cashflow, wanting to spread costs and diminish risk, then this cover might suit.
One policy can cover a number of buy-to-let properties to potentially provide portfolio wide coverage.
I can also see this product being attractive to small newbie landlords who may not have the maintenance contacts or time or the experience to supervise the repair work.
Before taking out any policy we would urge landlords to check out the Key Facts about the policy to ensure that the policy works for them.
We all know there is a price to be paid for convenience, but for some of us it may be a price worth paying.
To find out more about covering yourself against appliance failure then have a look at their website.
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