Landlord Holiday Checklist
Many landlords who are just about to go on their ‘hols’ will be worrying about the steps they need to take to ensure that their property portfolio is going to survive whilst they are away or out of the country.
What are the sensible steps to take?
Firstly, like all landlord dilemmas the secret is ……not to panic. Easier said than done especially with the recent outbreak of rioting. As long as you have comprehensive landlord insurance you should be covered for most eventualities. In my recent experiences of going on holiday to various parts of the globe, the key thing is to continue acces to your emails. All my tenants have an email address and frequently use it when they need things doing. This week I’ve already had gentle reminders about: a boiler that needs replacing – (yes I’m still deciding), a lock that has become loose and two halogen lights that have broken (a suspected failed transformer).
Here’s a tick list to go with your holiday list of things to do so you can have a care free holiday:
1. It’s always helpful to equip your tenant with a tenant handbook or manual containing essential information like: utility companies, contact details for maintenance contractors and approved procedures. For instance, you might mention that they can go ahead and sanction certain types of work below an agreed cost without seeking your authorisation (eg, £50 limit )
2. Let your tenants know you are going away and for how long (this is providing you trust them NOT to break in to your home whilst you’re away ). Tell them how to get in contact. As I previously mention most of my tenants now use email. If you do specify your mobile; then make sure it’s been enabled to be used in the countries that your visiting.
3. It might be worth reminding them of the tenant manual, your contact details and any contact numbers for your nominated maintenance guy. You may have somebody like a member of your family or a trusty handy man that you pass the reigns to in your absence. Make sure that your tenants have their details too.
That’s pretty much it.
Finally, do make sure that your rental property is adequately insured against rioters. That way if the rioters have got to it first. You will still have something to show for all your hard work when you get back!
Bon Voyage!
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