Section 21 Process Timetable
This gives an outline of the actions and durations of the process of gaining possession of a rental property using a Section 21 Notice. All actions assume tenant has not vacated the property in the mean time. This table is based on Central London County Court procedures. Other courts may vary a little.
We provide copies of our free Section 21 Notice.
A timetable of Section 21 Notice of possession
Below is a timetable setting out the stages for Accelerated Possession under Section 21 of the 1988 Housing Act. The total duration from point A – K is approximately six months.
Stage | Timing | Action/Event | Description | Remarks |
A | 2 Months Plus before “Day Zero” | Landlord issues Sect 21 Notice |
No legally prescribed format, but see Property Hawk version. | If possible get dated receipt or proof of posting or witnessed delivery to address. For safety, the “Plus” should be more than one or two days. If posted, add further 2/3 days |
B | Some time in this interval | Landlord gets court papers | Form N5B possession | Three copies needed (plus one for yourself). Complete in preparation for issue. See Property Hawk for tips in completing. |
C | Day Zero | Last day of existing AST letting contract | The “two months plus” notice is based on this date. | |
D | Day Zero +1 | Notional start of new/continuation contract | This is same date as old contract assuming a 12 month AST. | If original contract is less than one year, then date is notional start of continuation contract. |
E | Day Zero + 2 or 3 days | Landlord delivers papers to court. | 3 copies each of: · N5B form, · Tenancy Agreement, · Section 21 Notice and proof of its delivery, One cheque for £175 |
Send with short covering letter. Ensure cheque payee is correct, N5B forms do not show this.
Keep extra copy for yourself. |
F | 2 weeks (approx) later | Court issues “Notice of Issue” | This is sent to tenant & copied to Landlord informing tenant that repossession procedure has started. | Gives tenant 2 weeks to issue a defence to the Notice, also gives a Claim Number to claim. |
G | 2 weeks + later | Landlord returns Notice of Issue to court. | This then becomes “Request for Possession order and costs”. | Send to court after expiry of tenant’s time to issue defence. |
H | 2 weeks (approx) later | Court issues “Order for Possession” | Sent to tenant and landlord. Instructs tenant to give possession to landlord. | Gives tenant a further 2 weeks to give up possession. Also allows either party to apply that it be set aside or varied. |
I | 2 weeks + later | Landlord downloads and completes form N325. | This is “Request for Warrant of Possession of Land” and asks the court to issue Bailiffs’ Warrant. | Send to court with cheque for £110. Moneys owed to landlord depend on damage, dilapidations, deposit etc. |
J | Approx 1week later | Court’s Bailiff Service sends instruction to bailiff company | This tells bailiff company to set a date for a tenant’s eviction and so instruct tenant | This is “a court document”, so landlord does not get a copy. Landlord must call court to find out when it was sent |
K | Up to 6 weeks later (and counting!) | Bailiff company sends letter to tenant. | This informs tenant of date of impending visit to effect eviction. | This is also the trigger that gets the council to provide emergency accommodation. |
I want to serve a Section 21 Eviction Notice on 6th September but I’m not sure whether it will last before I get a possession order due to the present ban on possession hearings and the bac k log at the Courts. When is the best time to proceed?
Good question!